Reviewing web site content and quality

In an earlier post about fixing broken links, I mentioned SiteImprove, a Software as a Service (SaaS) product that helps optimize digital content. SiteImprove analyzes a web site and provides metrics about accessibility, quality assurance, search engine optimization, and more. DML has been using SiteImprove for a few years, with great success. However, content management isn’t a one and done task. Web standards evolve, (see the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)) and as they do so, content managers, such as myself, must periodically assure that our managed sites meet the new standards.

Siteimprove logo

Working on broken links

green broken link icon
unlink by FontAwesome is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license


Website maintenance is a never ending task, kind of like dishes or laundry. Today’s goal was to identify and fix as many broken links as I could find on the DML website and on the LibGuides to which I contribute. Thanks to SiteImprove, that task was made a bit easier. It is so satisfying to see our Quality Assurance scores climb!

Now it’s time to tackle the laundry…